When first I launched into the realm of transmitting healing energy professionally as a Reiki Master in the mid 90’s, I never dreamed that decades later after a few years dedicated to my own inner healing and clearing my heart of pain and fear, calling myself the Queen of Blockage at one point, my heart would open WIDE to channel the divine power of Love as healer and liberator for others!
Here is an essay I wrote twenty or so years ago: As a Reiki Master (Level III), I found that as I was attuned to each new Reiki level, the flow of Chi increased….as from a trickle to a stream to a river. Chi (Ki in Japanese) wants to move and when I resist movement it backs up and pressure is built against the stuck area sometimes causing depression.
In my experience, depression has been a clue that I am resisting the flow of the Life Force (Chi), as if I am shutting down a valve. Is that what causes heart attacks? The energy of Love (Life Force/Chi) pumping through the heart center wants expression! (“Love is only love when you give it away.” from Sound of Music).
A spiritual teacher I worked with in Santa Fe, NM named Gangaji, used to say: “Let life have its way with you” and also: “Let yourself be taken”. In other words, step off the banks of the River of Life and into its flow, trusting the force as benevolent and for your highest good, no matter how it looks or feels. (This is what Brene Brown speaks of in her Ted Talk: The Power of Vulnerability). And what is this life flow that wants you so much? It is the Love Vibration, the One Heart to which we all belong.
When the flow of love/life is impeded due to doubt and fear, then we are inadvertently saying no to life. This planet has been captured by these two villains of the mind.. Somewhere along the way we lost touch with language of the heart. I have actually had the experience of being asked a question about my feeling towards my mother and had two conflicting answers simultaneously, eg. my mind held blame, my heart held love and forgiveness and understanding I have had a good long look at these two villains and I have come to see what teachers they can be. What do villains do? They rob, they steal and so quite simply, doubt and fear steal our Life Force and rob us of the joy, the innocent wonder, the truth of our hearts and our creative power that wants to live through us so very much.
The Course in Miracles states that there are only two states of being: the state of love or the state of fear and that when love is present, fear dissolves, eg. they are unable to exist at the same time and place. So how do we begin to say “yes” to love? For me it is by reaching out to touch another. I have learned that so much is communicated so simply by just slowing down and offering tender touch; touch in all its purity of spirit; touch without need or other attachment; touch as transmission, from one magnificent being to another. A Holy exchange, an honoring of the heroic human as messenger of God, a message of LOVE!